Posted Jun 23, 2021
By Claudia Dimuro |
Earlier this month, Hua Zhibing began her educational career at Tshingua University in Beijing, China.
But there’s something that completely sets Zhibing apart from her fellow students—the fact that she’s completely computer-generated.
The Global Times reports how Zhibing was developed by the university through trailblazing artificial intelligence (AI) technology called “Wudao 2.0,” which may be literally translated into “understanding of natural laws.” Through this technology, not only is Zhibing completely lifelike in her appearance and the way that she speaks but can actually learn and work, going so far as having written original music.
Heck, she even has her own Weibo account, which is essentially the Chinese version of Twitter.
“I’ve been addicted to literature and arts since I was born,” explains Zhibing in a video posted on the platform. “The scientists not only gave me my appearance and my voice but also taught me to compose.”
Aside from being completely mind-blowing (and not a little eerie), there’s a financial reason behind China’s creation of such AI. According to Globes Newswire, the Chinese AI market value far exceeds the world average with a total worth of $43.4 billion. Other countries such as the U.S. and Japan are greatly overshadowed in their capabilities, paving the way for a virtual space race.
Shanghai Daily continues to report that one of Zhibing’s major developers, Tang Jie—BAAI vice academics director and professor at Tshingua University’s Department of Computer Science—the virtual student’s processing capabilities will allow for her to grow and learn faster than your average, non-computerized Joe. In fact, should could improve from the learning level of a six-year-old to that of a 12-year-old in just a year’s time.
“We hope that she will master skills first and then seek breakthroughs in reasoning and emotional reaction,” he stated.
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