Author: Sushi Nooz

June 28, 2021 

Here's the link to Part 2

Here are some of the links that I have been putting together over the years on AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).

I have been doing research for many years and would like to show you, the reader, what I have found on a variety of topics. This topic of AGI, AI, is something that I find very fascinating and I have carefully curated the following links for your viewing pleasure and to help more people be aware of what's going on, and find information that is not being shared on traditional websites and news publications.

  1. How a New AI Model Mimics the Brain’s Prefrontal Cortex | Psychology Today

  2. Stanford researchers propose AI that figures out how to use real-world objects | VentureBeat

  3. AI models from Microsoft and Google already surpass human performance on the SuperGLUE language benchmark | VentureBeat

  4. Stanford researchers propose AI that figures out how to use real-world objects | VentureBeat

  5. The AI-Powered Robot That Learnt Curling Using Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning

  6. AI devs claim they've built a robot that shows a 'primitive form of empathy'

  7. Tweaking AI software to function like a human brain improves computer's learning ability -- ScienceDaily

  8. Can AI Machine Learning Enable Robot Empathy? | Psychology Today

  9. AI Gains Social Intelligence; Infers Goals and Failed Plans | Psychology Today

  10. New AI Outperforms State-of-the-Art Machine Hearing | Psychology Today

  11. This AI created its own lesson plans to learn faster then smashed other AI's out the park – By Futurist and Virtual Keynote Speaker Matthew Griffin

  12. AI smashes video game high scores by remembering its past success | New Scientist

  13. Reinforcement learning algorithms score higher than humans, other AI systems at classic video games

  14. Neural network CLIP mirrors human brain neurons in image recognition

  15. 'Self-trained' deep learning to improve disease diagnosis

  16. Algorithm helps artificial intelligence systems dodge 'adversarial' inputs

  17. This robot artist stops to consider its brushstrokes like a real person | Engadget

  18. AI Can Now Debate with Humans and Sometimes Convince Them, Too - Scientific American

  19. To Learn To Deal With Uncertainty, This AI Plays Pong - IEEE Spectrum

  20. After AIs mastered Go and Super Mario, scientists have taught them how to
    'play' experiments at NSLS-II

  21. Scientists Create 'Living' Robots That Think And Have Memories With Frog Cells

  22. Artificial nervous system senses light and learns to catch like humans | New Scientist

  23. ‘You Look Good Today. Want Snacks?’: Artificial Intelligence Learns To Flirt Thanks To Colorado Scientist Janelle Shane – CBS Denver

  24. To advance AI, Facebook is leaning into medical research

  25. ‘Brain-like device’ mimics human learning in major computing breakthrough

  26. AI spots individual neurons in the eye better than human experts

  27. Self-learning robots go full steam ahead

  28. Artificial intelligence programme that detects sarcasm in social media | Technology News | Zee News

  29. AI that mimics human typos on a smartphone could improve keyboards | New Scientist

  30. Facebook has created a way for AI, like people, to forget unimportant details it learns - SiliconANGLE

  31. Increasing the memory capacity of intelligent systems based on the function of human neurons

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