Sushi Nooz Special: SINGULARITY MINDS Part 2

Author: Sushi Nooz

June 28, 2021 

Here's the link to Part 1.

  1. Artificial General Intelligence is here, DeepMind unveils its Impala AGI – By Futurist and Virtual Keynote Speaker Matthew Griffin

  2. Pricing algorithms can learn to collude with each other to raise prices - MIT Technology Review

  3. MIT's new neural network can explain its decisions – Fanatical Futurist by International Keynote Speaker Matthew Griffin

  4. AI develops human-like number sense – taking us a step closer to building machines with general intelligence

  5. MIT CSAIL's AI can visualize objects using touch | VentureBeat

  6. DeepMind Teaches AI Teamwork - IEEE Spectrum

  7. Robot arm learns how to taste with engineered bacteria

  8. MIT's AI model learns relationships among objects with minimal training data

  9. Google uses AI to teach a robot how to grasp and throw things | VentureBeat

  10. Researchers propose framework that trains robots to mimic human actions in captioned videos | VentureBeat

  11. Watch a Self-Driving Car Careen Around Corners Like a Racecar

  12. AI can predict when someone will die with unsettling accuracy

  13. A Prominent Publisher Used Machine Learning to Write a Textbook

  14. OpenAI Five defeats professional Dota 2 team, twice | VentureBeat

  15. Artificial intelligence singles out neurons faster than a human can

  16. AI Robot paints its own moonscapes in traditional Chinese style - Reuters

  17. This clever AI hid data from its creators to cheat at its appointed task – TechCrunch

  18. Emotionally intelligent AI will respond to how you feel

  19. Watch "Full Self-Driving" on YouTube

  20. Magnets aid AI achieve efficiency of the human brain

  21. IBM’s New AI Does Something Amazing: It Learns From “Memories”

  22. MIT's AI makes autonomous cars drive more like humans | VentureBeat

  23. Astounding AI Guesses What You Look Like Based on Your Voice

  24. Facebook’s AI learns how to get around an office by watching videos

  25. Tech & Science Archives - Digital Journal

  26. This AI Watched 100 Films to Learn How to Recognize a Kiss - IEEE Spectrum

  27. AI classifies people's emotions from the way they walk | VentureBeat

  28. AI's Minority Report for retail: They know you’ll return it even before you buy it | ZDNet

  29. Facebook AI Pluribus defeats top poker professionals in 6-player Texas Hold ’em

  30. AI Pores Over Old Scientific Papers, Makes Discoveries Overlooked By Humans | Zero Hedge

  31. First human drug developed solely by AI is a vaccine

  32. Deep learning algorithm solves Rubik's Cube faster than any human

  33. AI passes theory of mind test by imagining itself in another's shoes | New Scientist

  34. Alphabet's Loon AI-powered internet balloons have learned to tack like a sailor and move with the wind | ZDNet

  35. Tencent's Honor of Kings AI beats a team of pros | VentureBeat

  36. AI learns to predict the outcomes of human rights court cases | New Scientist

  37. A startup that marries AI with empathy is helping women conceive | MIT Technology Review

  38. The brain inspires a new type of artificial intelligence -- ScienceDaily

  39. Amazon says its facial recognition can now identify fear

  40. MIT Model Automates AI for Medical Decision-Making

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