Sushi Nooz Special: SINGULARITY MINDS Part 3


Part 3

Author: Sushi Nooz

July 12, 2021 

  1. AI can predict when someone will die with unsettling accuracy

  2. Physicists developed an experimental quantum device to predict the future

  3. New Quantum Device Can “Generate All Possible Futures”

  4. Artificial intelligence singles out neurons faster than a human can

  5. Astounding AI Guesses What You Look Like Based on Your Voice

  6. MIT algorithm helps robots guess where humans are going next | Engadget

  7. The first AI capable of simulating the universe works so well it’s scary

  8. AI's Minority Report for retail: They know you’ll return it even before you buy it | ZDNet

  9. Deep learning algorithm solves Rubik's Cube faster than any human: Work is step toward advanced AI systems that can think, reason, plan and make decisions -- ScienceDaily

  10. Robot, heal thyself: scientists develop self-repairing machines | Robots | The Guardian

  11. U.S. Army's A.I. Missiles Will Not Stop, Ever, Until They Hit Their Target | Digital Trends

  12. Researchers tout AI that can predict 25 video frames into the future | VentureBeat

  13. MIT CSAIL's AI can reconstruct hidden movement from video footage alone | VentureBeat

  14. 3D-printed bunny contains DNA instructions to make a copy of itself | New Scientist

  15. Model beats Wall Street analysts in forecasting business financials

  16. Computers Are Learning to See in Higher Dimensions | WIRED

  17. Scientists Create “Living Concrete” That Can Heal Itself

  18. Spider-Man-style robotic graspers defy gravity

  19. An AI trained to spot hidden objects can see through camouflage | New Scientist

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