Author: Sushi Nooz

June 20, 2021 

An underground revolt against the woke machine has started in the last few months, there has been an underground revolt taking place against the machine. But it's not ONE group or entity. Rather it's a bunch of smaller, but growing forces such as Bret Weinstein, his brother Eric, Project Veritas, Mark Levin, Tim Pool, Joe Rogan, Michael Malice, Bari Weiss and Glen Greenwald; both on substack, etc.

These individuals are independent entities, who mostly receive funding via donations, subscriptions, mostly directly from their audience, they are not beholden to the giant mob, and therefore they can speak freely, and appeal to an ever growing audience that is tired of the FOKENESS, or the fake - wokeness cult.

It is fascinating to see how the tide is turning against the machine, yet it's not obvious to the machine (or so it seems).

Another aspect of this revolt, is in the medical, scientific community. Dr Drew Pinsky, and his colleagues, have been battling the machine since Covid hit, over a year ago. In the scientific, intellectual community, again, we have the Weinstein brothers , Eric and Bret.

Also, I noticed Bill Maher and John Stewart recently takeover the Steve Colbert show; it's all part of the SILENT WAVE crashing the woke shores.

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