5 Uses of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Customer Experience Measurement

(Source: smallbiztrends.com)


It’s the best mode of understanding where you’re excelling and or lagging in certain aspects of customer experience. Accordingly, you can understand what changes need to be implemented to improve the experience. This, in turn, can help boost the sales of your ecommerce or brick-and-mortar business.

However, with the advent of artificial intelligence, it’s possible to detect the emotions of your customers from multiple channels.

But why is this task difficult?

The customers may go through numerous stages during the sales funnel and they may connect with you at various touchpoints too. As a result, all the customer data would be in different silos. These silos can act as deterrents to determining the customer experience as you wouldn’t have a unified database for each customer.

Analytics and insights derived from such segregated data might not be very accurate and won’t paint the whole picture for your customer experience.

However, customer journey analytics tools based on artificial intelligence can help you change this. They can unify your customer data from the entire customer journey and analyze it. This singular customer journey view will help you get an accurate measurement of the customer experience.

Final Thoughts

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